Miami Beach Soccer League
Protocolo Sanitario Covid-19 / Covid-19 sanitary protocol
En Miami Beach Soccer League organizamos competiciones de futbol al servicio de la comunidad de Miami Beach y por ello siempre queremos prestar el mejor servicio posible a los jugadores y sus familias.
La nueva realidad que vivimos a consecuencia del virus Covid-19 amerita que nos esforcemos aún más en cuidar a cada participante en nuestras competiciones. En consecuencia implementaremos un plan de regulaciones especiales exigidas por las autoridades sanitarias de la ciudad de Miami Beach y el parque Flamingo Park para que los jugadores y equipos compitan de la manera más segura posible en nuestras ligas. Para lograr dicha meta haremos el mejor esfuerzo por concientizar a cada uno de los participantes en nuestras ligas de la necesidad de que cumplan con todas y cada una de las nuevas normas de seguridad sanitarias durante nuestras actividades, desde que llega al campo hasta que se marchan. El plan estará publicado en nuestro portal oficial y será enviado por correo electrónico a todos los equipos participantes. Estos deberán leer y presentar el documento firmado como aceptación de su responsabilidad de cumplir con dichos requerimientos sanitaros para poder participar en nuestras actividades en las instalaciones. Normas generales
Normas antes de jugar:
Normas durante el juego:
Normas despues del juego
Normas a seguir en caso de que tenga un caso confirmado de Covid en el equipo:
Por la presente reconozco que se me ha proporcionado una copia de las Pautas del torneo de Miami Beach Soccer League. Entiendo y estoy de acuerdo en cumplir con las pautas establecidas por Miami Beach Soccer League, el gobierno local y los CDC para garantizar la seguridad de todos los jugadores, entrenadores, familias y participantes. Al firmar a continuación, afirmo que leo y acepto todas las pautas y reglas de juego. Dirección de correo electrónico * Firma del entrenador * Enviar |
At Miami Beach Soccer League we organize soccer competitions at the service of the Miami Beach community and for this reason we always want to provide the best possible service to the players and their families.
The new reality that we are living as a result of the Covid-19 virus deserves that we do even more to take care of each participant in our competitions. Consequently, we will implement a plan of special regulations required by the health authorities of the city of Miami Beach and Flamingo Park so that players and teams compete in the safest possible way in our leagues. To achieve this goal, we will do our best to make each of the participants in our leagues aware of the need to comply with each and every one of the new health safety regulations during our activities, from the moment they arrive at the field until they leave. . The plan will be published on our official portal and will be sent by email to all participating teams. They must read and present the signed document as acceptance of their responsibility to comply with said health requirements in order to participate in our activities at the facilities. General rules • The MBSL will make the best of its efforts so that the participating teams register in the competition through the official competition portal in order to limit the exchange of physical documents between the referees, coaches or players. • With the digital registry we will have a list of players, coaches and referees, name, address and telephone number so that, in case a person becomes ill, we can contact them and let them know that they must begin the self-quarantine process. • Signs with this information will be posted in the field that include messages on proper social distancing guidelines, hand washing, and proper face covering. • If at any time during the tournament / games a player, coach or referee becomes ill, they should notify us, then we will contact all the families, players and health officials in the area to start the process of identifying who that person is. . has contacted. • We also recommend that athletes travel to the venue alone or with a member of their immediate family. Rules before playing: • Only members of the immediate family may attend the games. (Mom, Dad, Brother Sister) No exceptions. • All participants, spectators and employees who are not in the game must respect the use of masks and a physical distance while they are in the facility / field. • Teams must conduct daily symptom assessments by coaches and players (self-assessment). Anyone experiencing symptoms should stay home. • There are no team water coolers or shared drinking stations. • These requirements must be shared prior to the event with all players, coaches, spectators, officials and employees prior to their arrival at the venue. Rules during the game: • No exchange of line-up cards before the game, handshakes (basic rules will be covered with a coach standing on the circumference of the center of the court, the referee at the center point and the other coach on the other side of the circumference of the midfield. • It is recommended that all players who are not on the court playing during the game wear masks to cover their faces. • Participants (including referees) on the field of play are not required to wear a face cover, but may wear it if they wish. • Hand Sanitizer will be available at various locations on the court and will be available to each team. • Players can wear masks while playing or while in the stands waiting. • Players may not roam when they are on the substitute bench or waiting for their game, they must remain in their area. Rules after the game • People are not to congregate in common areas or in the parking lot after the game. • Post-game meetings will be eliminated. • Trophies and awards will be distributed to the head coach. • Referees must adhere to social distancing practices when interacting with players, coaches and spectators off the field of play. Rules to follow in case you have a confirmed case of Covid on your team: Immediately isolate and seek medical attention for any individual who develops symptoms. Contact your local health district about suspected cases or exposures. Contact the tournament director, who will have the names of the players, coaches and referees to communicate and inform them. The organizer must maintain a complete list of coaches, players and employees present at each event to include the date, start and end time of the event, as well as the name, address and telephone contact that will be available upon request from the local health district . I hereby acknowledge that a copy of the Miami Beach Soccer League Tournament Guidelines has been provided to me. I understand and agree to abide by the guidelines established by the Miami Beach Soccer League, the local government, and the CDC to ensure the safety of all players, coaches, families, and participants. By signing below, I affirm that I read and accept all the guidelines and rules of the game. Email address * Coach Signature * Send |